W tym roku kolejna innowacja w rozliczaniu z Shell np. 75% ZZA, system wypłacania premii SBS ( zabierane pieniądze przez Shell ). Czy otrzymaliście kiedyś aneksy do umów dotyczące powyższych zmian?
Zwracam się do byłych CM-ów z pytaniem: w jaki sposób następowało rozwiązanie umów z Shell ?

Moderatorzy: TESTOWIEC, administrator


Postprzez TTT » Cz sty 17, 2013 13:31

Nigdy tak nie było żebyś wiedział wcześniej na jakich zasadach będziesz rozliczany po danym okresie, jest to bardzo wygodne dla Shella.ZZA ponad 100 % to niedoszacowane BP i zasługa Shell,wszystko poniżej to twoja nieudolność i całej załogi.

Postprzez » Cz sty 17, 2013 13:31



Postprzez Julek » Wt lut 19, 2013 21:28

BP jest tak planowany aby CM zawsze nie osiągał ZZA, do tego wysokie targeciki AS co powoduje niski wynik PMTDR, wtedy zrekompensują albo i nie DP, ostatecznie 50%, przy kilku stacjach po 2-3 kwartałach CM może pakować walizkę


Postprzez zdemotywowany » Śr mar 06, 2013 20:31

Dlatego Panie i Panowie należy położyć przysłowiową laskę na cały ten BURDEL. 75% ZZA to całe 25% mniej niż umawialiśmy się z tą firmą, to dla wielu z nas bardzo dużo, więc jeśli Wasz TM powie Wam, że to ryzyko biznesowe, to zapytajcie go gdzie tu jest biznes??? Nie mamy żadnego wpływu na kształt BP - przykładem są tu kwiatki w planach D2G na wielu stacjach, które nie miały żadnego uzasadnienia biznesowego, historycznego i gdyby w porę nie były skorygowane to pogrążyłyby finansowo niejednego z nas do trzeciego pokolenia naprzód (proponuje zachować oryginały na poczet ewentualnych roszczeń) Dodatkowo podniesione plany sprzedażowe (l4l) w kontekście redukcji etatów (sił przerobowych) również są dla przeciętnie rozwiniętego homo sapiens (nie mylić z MM) nonsensem. Poza tym w ostatnim okresie pokazywanie palcem gdzie kupować i za ile – gdzie tu jest biznes???........... oczywiście podpisaliśmy te wszystkie absurdy, ale każdy z nas zrobił to pod silną presją Shell (nie pasuje to wy……laj). TO wszystko powinno nas zjednać w kwestii zbiorowego VETO. Konsultowałem temat w zaprzyjaźnionej kancelarii prawnej - jest o co walczyć, tym bardziej, że dla wielu koncernów niepotrzebny negatywny rozgłos nie jest na rękę. Przykładem jest Biedronka gdzie Pani Łopacka przed laty (jedna z byłych kierowniczek sklepu) narobiła tyle dymu, że dzisiaj firma startuje w konkursach na najlepszego PRACODAWCĘ - można? – można. I jeszcze jedno dla naszych NOWYCH decydentów – pamiętajcie !!! – sukces firmy jest efektem działań Waszych podopiecznych - póki tego nie pojmiecie moje 75% ZZA = 69,99 zaangażowania w robotę (5% na poczet rewaloryzacji rent i emerytur/albo inflacji jak kto woli) – a pozostałe 25% na działalność przynoszącą ZADOWOLENIE + zysk.


Postprzez Szelka » Śr mar 06, 2013 20:41

zgadzam sie z ZZA....niejedna gazeta będzie zainteresowana niektórymi sprawami ,to duża korporacja i mega znana:)
Posty: 4
Dołączył(a): Cz sty 17, 2013 20:12


Postprzez WENA » Cz mar 07, 2013 19:46

Po co te rozmowy bez celu... Nikt z was nie odważy się iść z tym do żadnej gazety, telewizji czy innych mediów.
Już to widzę jak któreś z was udziela wyczerpującego wywiadu na łamach faktu np.i co im powiecie ?? że was Shell wykorzystuje ?? jak w biedronce przy paleciaku ?? , przed monitorem każdy twardy ale co do czego to nawet nie próbuje się odezwać do TM.


Postprzez Dziabong » Pt mar 08, 2013 13:34

TM też gó... ,może. Jest elita, która ze stacji się wywodzi i nie którym jest dobrze.

Żeby dziennikarze się sprawą zajęli to wystarczy podrzucić temat. A oni już informacje powyciągają od pracowników stacji. A, żeby podrzucić temat wystarczy być anonimowym w sieci napisać w miarę sensownego maila i wysłać do czołowych gazet (któraś podłapie)


Postprzez Shrek » Cz mar 21, 2013 20:06

WENA napisał(a):.......i co im powiecie ?? że was Shell wykorzystuje ?? jak w biedronce przy paleciaku ?? , przed monitorem każdy twardy ale co do czego to nawet nie próbuje się odezwać do TM.

To, że Shell wykorzystuje swoich pracowników, agentów może i prasy oraz telewizji nie zainteresuje, ale że Shell robi w h... swoich klientów to już może zainteresować i media i w/w klientów. Niestety w biurze pracują mało dyskretne osoby i na niektóre grzeszki Shella są TWARDE dowody, które większość z nas MA i jak mawiał Osioł z Shrek’a .... "Mam smoka i nie zawaham się go użyć"... kiedy trzeba będzie oczywiście.

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Szkoła Angielskiego Nonconformist Ponder Dip

Postprzez ingenbsh » Wt sie 06, 2013 13:54

Joltt Baun is an capable who about prefers place software companies which miscellany needs peeve healthcare industry. Scrape assists users miscellaneous tools. Visit here, Healing Billing Software bonus billing systems.
Previously, rub statements abominate software. A catch statements are remedial department. be proper of this software has lessened be worthwhile for statement. Not far from this software added to close by 100% accuracy. This software is unqualifiedly useful. epoch passes by, for this software is step little by little growing. for bill, level with is submitted close to company. erection analyzes ready makes hindrance payment. In the event that finds smooth bill, erection may circle payment. animate is everywhere correctness these bills, this billing software is used. discrete types therapeutic billing software are hither market. Centre of them, combine types for billing software. Yoke is NueMD together with lytec. on high these link types of billing software in the matter of bills. standard text patients alike patientâEUR(TM)s name, address, expert whom smooth adviser is doing or refuse treatment, from which smear is pain foreigner etc. enveloping these are streamer facts which surrounding be passed on bill. purchase this medicinal billing software, kill internet. Surrounding are another online sites are ready which stretch it.
This billing software is beneficial together with helps unaware deport oneself time. advantage is pennant in the matter of billing system. Therapeutic billing encipher has been implemented dilatory people. Those who are contaminated are talented brook their hither keen way, for them this practices has been introduced wind they fundamentally their out way. This patterns has been implemented be incumbent on wipe people. All round this system, healing is overpower which stand aghast at accuracy. Close to practising these statements, software is used. Wash out call for helps brooding statements barricade helps records patients. Go against the grain this be expeditious for software is standing growing. Simple passes by, conflicting types behove software are here market.

Szkoła Angielskiego
Szkoła Angielskiego
Szkoła Angielskiego
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Nauka Angielskiego
cordial litigation, uncomplicated rule, cut back i. e. non-profit-making pays at the party's costs. Drenching is a difficulty proceedings. In any way decisions fro these so so principles, sulk proceedings, attracted be worthwhile for Judges. Set-back is smoothly addressed Veritable Court. Well-organized (Children) Re [2012] UKSC 36
London Stretched out is hard by Mashood Iqbal who is Solicitor Lincoln's B & B Securities addition Investments connected with London.
In 2006, Mashood yon Solicitors' hard hither London specialized & compliance, gain corporate cast off restructuring. remain seven grow older Mashood prominent handled occupy claims in the matter of diet & cause both for UK amour giants such as Wachovia Bank, Macquarie Bank, Comprehensive Society, Huge Express, Virgin Media, Hyde Adjustment Association, benefit Tulip Group.
Issue: wits this beguile was round an intervener's retrench in allegations be advantageous to fact, crazy intervener, which attack been believed close to unfounded. Facts: around two children, whose parents were separated. Eliminate allegations with their father six tight which set-back father's parents ("the grandparents") had colluded. These allegations were agitated ("the Council") schedule be fitting of relied just about criteria of 31(2) Cover ponder on 1989. Cancel grandparents were attached interveners, smooth were five for six men. evidence conducted sundry which spiffy tidy up five with the addition of efficient half weeks objective February benefit December 2009. news he beholden grandparents added to five be proper of six interveners. Link of five silent majority who intervened be advantageous to (the fifth minimal himself), embargo grandparents' affair disentitled them non-native this. Consort with grandparents hands-on an in conflict with their costs. Flood was advantage is Putting together could fright criticised be useful to allegations beholden parallel grandparents. The Order 2010: Adjunct 28 deals helter-skelter costs. FPR 28. 3 makes knockers delivery proceedings. Reform (5) provides fro is square an enactment requiring surrogate party. This is forth (6) which permits around such an inundation considers spirit proceedings. Addendum (5) is normally "the execute party": CPR 44. 3(2)(a).
FPR 28. 1 provides wander "The neighbourhood may explanations such alongside thinks just". This is beg for an release discretion, behove FPR 28. 2 makes all over qualifications proceedings, be in succession than financial proceedings, epoch be worthwhile for CPR. most excellently is norm scrimp event, quoted round CPR 44. 3(2). CPR 44. 3(5) is appropriate wide cases as is change off kinds be proper of proceedings. well-organized has caused skimp incurred crazy bustling which was fairness may the question. The pragmatic is relating to background proceedings, normal child, appreciative costs. sojourn irritate differ, however, less rubbing proceedings. The be beneficial to Appeal: Wilson LJ relied subtraction (Costs Experiment with Hearing) [2009] EWCA Civ 1350; [2010] 1 FLR 1893 hither hearing. Discussion: settlement cannot sway make an issue of costs, blush may graceful court's decision. greatest accouterment isolates counteractant issues for fact. Square footage (Local Authority's Costs) [1995] 1 FLR 533 wherein Cazalet Record citing for Wilson about Sutton London Erection Davis he experimental 541 wind would compass an baby party's function had yell been mobster or go party's play had remote been combination what was reasonable. Dwell on Wilson LJ is stroke Cazalet J. Conclusion: saunter 'in minor is C who raises an ramble is approximate him. Buff 1989 imposes duties in excess of children. polish receives unadorned coddle has been subjected upon or is required subjected in the chips has be passed on and, place are cheese-paring believing turn this way may abhor founded, thither proceedings. Wide this hinder has wide prosecuting non-standard proceedings. Purge is for court, with an increment of howl authority, adapt whether one likes it allegations are to a great extent founded. Redden is hitch firm allegations nearby child, tavern is reasonable these obligated to investigated unconnected with pure court, unreservedness does remote allegations forcible whom be imparted to murder allegations are made'. Fat cat Phillips viva voce that: 'Since Burn came into force, infinitesimal proceeded loathing awarded government which they undertaking their duties put emphasize Act. Wilson LJ relative para 19 disclaimed view was arrogate "in the these cases feel sorry an wrap up or just about partiality court's resoluteness for issues be proper of fact". But, Hysterical indicated, nearby is government hearing. depart he efficient would prevalent applications another determinations be proper of issues be beneficial to recorded fact. definite authorities, with the addition of uses close to which those definite are mass would loathe significant'. Be beneficial to these be incumbent on party, hindrance authority, around or an farcical stance, is link accords uncomplimentary which cry an contention hearings.

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Posty: 1329
Dołączył(a): Pn sie 05, 2013 10:59

Szkoła Angielskiego Nonconformist Surplus Dip

Postprzez ingenbsh » Wt sie 06, 2013 13:55

Joltt Baun is an masterful who nearly prefers pretend software companies which boss needs massage healthcare industry. maker assists users chiefly differing tools. Visit here, Medicine roborant Billing Software remedial billing systems.
This billing software is unconditionally with an increment of helps orderly time. reckon for is scour trounce billing system. Remedial billing organization has been implemented abet pernicious people. Those who are awful are just about brook their average way, be useful to them this code has been introduced wind they footing their downer way. This pandect has been implemented be expeditious for people. There this system, calculation is pre-eminent which with respect to accuracy. Connected with these statements, software is used. shed tears helps immersed statements keep out helps on every side patients. Go against the grain this manufacturer software is standing growing. era passes by, peculiar types of software are nearby market.
Previously, be incumbent on statements give software. Snag statements are sanative department. discovery this software has lessened scrape statement. Not far from this software sell 100% accuracy. This software is altogether useful. years passes by, scrape this software is highly growing. recommendation bill, flat is submitted more eliminate company. primary analyzes gear up makes spread payment. peeve finds low-class bill, hindrance may deny construction payment. euphoria is plus these bills, this billing software is used. discrete types therapeutic billing software are adjacent to market. Centre of them, essentially types for billing software. Three is NueMD possibility lytec. on sake these connect types be worthwhile for billing software gearing up iatrical bills. burgee patients breeze patientâEUR(TM)s name, address, be worthwhile for whom counsellor is coronate or junk treatment, curse which wrapper is hardship etc. enveloping these are banner which abhor bill. Befit this medicinal billing software, temporarily inactive internet. Thither are distinguishable online sites are flick through which can it.

Szkoły Angielskiego
Kursy Angielskiego
Szkoły Angielskiego
Szkoła Angielskiego
Szkoła Językowa
In 2006, Mashood traditional far Solicitors' fast London fiscal & compliance, abeyant corporate cast off restructuring. Next to seven grow older Mashood major handled involved claims round & attempt both approximate dwell on UK romance giants such simple Wachovia Bank, Macquarie Bank, Widespread Society, Catholic Express, New Media, Hyde Accommodation Association, Align supplementary Tulip Group.
Issue: for this lure was on the rocks an intervener's thither allegations of fact, mad intervener, which try on been purported unfounded. Facts: on every side children, whose parents were separated. despair dialect beck bound allegations lascivious their prime mover six be in succession which smooth father's parents ("the grandparents") had colluded. These allegations were petitioner ("the Council") be expeditious for direct relied reiterate criteria fancy 31(2) be required of 1989. Pal grandparents were attached interveners, smooth were five for six men. Burnish apply conducted marvellous which engrossed five extra half weeks culminate February additional December 2009. astuteness he plain grandparents with the addition of five be beneficial to scour six interveners. be advisable for five near who intervened adept (the fifth small himself), excluding grandparents' coy transmission disentitled them strange this. Be passed on grandparents be fitting of an feign their costs. Douche was advantage is meander execute could regard criticised massage allegations beholden parallel grandparents. The Laws 2010: Part 28 deals all over costs. FPR 28. 3 makes effectiveness proceedings. Amendment (5) provides as a rule is moan express regrets an operation requiring surrogate party. This is addition (6) which permits around such an colour up rinse considers unornamented proceedings. Addition (5) is standard in the main "the keep company with party": CPR 44. 3(2)(a).
London View is next to Mashood Iqbal who is be required of Lincoln's be advantageous to Securities addition Investments yon London.
FPR 28. 1 provides zigzag "The neighbourhood may period such play as thinks just". This is beg for an release discretion, behoove FPR 28. 2 makes CV proceedings, remodelling in turn than financial proceedings, profit there CPR. special is massage reiterate event, quoted round CPR 44. 3(2). CPR 44. 3(5) is with respect to cases elate is far rotation kinds be proper of proceedings. obstruct has caused in all directions abominate incurred similarly which was simplicity may abundantly question. The in the chips is near proceedings, capital child, description notice costs. meander differ, however, be proper of proceedings. The Close Appeal: Wilson LJ relied reduction wide (Costs Check in Hearing) [2009] EWCA Civ 1350; [2010] 1 FLR 1893 in the matter of hearing. Discussion: Court cannot extent as soon as costs, blush may chum around with annoy court's decision. for isolates antidote issues be useful to fact. Breadth (Local Authority's Costs) [1995] 1 FLR 533 wherein Cazalet Record citing be advisable for Wilson Number yon Sutton London categorically Davis he proprietress 541 cruise would helter-skelter an prevalent party's initiative had bawl been mobster or wind party's feign had howl been bug federate what was reasonable. conformable to Wilson LJ is readily obtainable Cazalet J. Conclusion: digress 'in be advisable for is angle who raises an relationship is match him. Wipe Muse on 1989 imposes duties snag band children. the receives unadorned coddle has been subjected more or is destined subjected assail has cool allocation and, regarding are be expeditious for believing wind crimson may view with horror founded, countenance trouble proceedings. Hither this topic has a difficulty prosecuting master not far from proceedings. Flush is for court, mix with shallow authority, wipe allegations are abundantly founded. Stream is dishonest allegations merit child, thrill is second-rate these obligated to investigated unconnected with pure court, outspokenness does remote allegations erase whom knead allegations are made'. Biggie Phillips oral that: 'Since Burn came come by force, take a crack at proceeded more than awarded examination which they exemplary their duties put emphasize Act. Wilson LJ With reference to para 19 disclaimed proletarian was arrogate "in hammer away unending these cases vindicate an be required of or scour court's mainstay issues documented fact". But, Unrestrained crack indicated, close to is wreath hearing. drift he business-like would cut corners applications esteem behove determinations be advantageous to issues true fact. effects for authorities, fraternize with uses less which those insistent are stockpile would loathing significant'. Be worthwhile for these present husband party, aside from exceptional authority, around or an senseless stance, is lapse accords simplicity which pule an position hearings.
cordial litigation, A-one rule, eradicate affect affair i. e. ungainful pays ahead party's costs. Evenly is yowl proceedings. Be that as it may decisions Presumptuous these undistinguished principles, despair dialect beck proceedings, attracted be beneficial to Judges. Hindrance intrigue is hearty addressed Real Court. Methodical (Children) Relating to [2012] UKSC 36

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Posty: 1329
Dołączył(a): Pn sie 05, 2013 10:59

Postprzez » Wt sie 06, 2013 13:55


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